Emilie Aguirre
Research and Policy Fellow,
Resnick Program for Food Law and Policy, UCLA School of Law
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Field: Research
Emilie Aguirre has dedicated her career to advancing solutions for our inequitable, unhealthy, unsustainable and un-transparent food system. At its core, her research aims to help inform policy dialogue and practical solutions. After graduating from Harvard Law School in 2013, Aguirre was awarded a Fulbright-Schuman grant and Harvard Knox Fellowship to Cambridge University to develop a novel methodology for researching the food system by combining both legal and public health approaches. Now at the Resnick Program for Food Law and Policy at UCLA Law, she continues to research and advance solutions for the food system, teaches food law, and has helped develop and launch a free legal intake and referral service for nonprofits and small businesses working to improve healthy food access and sustainable production.